Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009


Temen-temen ada yg tau lagu ini ga?

by Chloe Agnew

Someday, when we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray, someday we may yet
Live to live and let live

Someday, life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed, this bright millenia
On it's way, let it come, someday

Someday, our fight will be won, and
We'll stand in the sun, in
The bright afternoon
Till then, on days when the sun is gone
We'll hang on, if we wish upon the moon

There are somedays dark and bitter
Seems we haven't go a prayer
But a prayer for something better
It's the one thing we all share

Someday, when we're wiser
When the whole world's older
When we have loved
And I pray, someday we may yet
Live to live and, one day, someday

Someday life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed, this bright millenia
Let it come, if we wish upon the moon

One day, someday

Bagus banget lagunya, suaranya Chloe juga mantap!

Kalau mau liat videonya versi Grave of The Fireflies, klik disini. Dan kalau mau lihat videonya yg versi Chloe Agnew, bisa klik juga di sebelah sini.



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